Category Archives: About the Blog

Adding YouTube to the Blog

As I am venturing into keeping a digital interactive journal, I am creating a YouTube channel as well. Just as with the blog, I believe I can share any knowledge with the few or the masses, depending how the Welcome To Freedom brand will grow. I have all sorts of ideas and concepts, I just need to get started.

As far as my blog, I am 2 months into it, 24 posts (before this one), and 270 followers. I have had fun doing this, and planning on keeping the blog up and going and growing the blog. On Facebook, most of the shares I do receive are good feedbacks. After all, feedback is something that fuels a blog. I believe that “Food Storage: Prepper Style” has had the most conversation on Facebook, but I would like more feedback or comments on the blog. Why? So everyone who has access to it (on facebook -all groups, WordPress, and Twitter).  The most viewed  was my “Outdoor Dining Table.” I had some good comments on it, but mostly people looked at it and liked.

How many people read the current and don’t visit the rest of the posts?

I believe most get bored going through and reading posts. With a YouTube Video Blog, I can post to wider audience and entertain while presenting my information.

I have some ideas for posts and you will see them as the do come. I am learning how to edit video, so my videos to YouTube will catch people’s eyes. I will have multiple channels on YouTube. The first one will be for uploading videos of my family. The second will be for this blog. I thought about leaving them together, but I want to be able to allow people searching for Welcome to Freedom material versus videos of my family.

Well, let me know what you would like to see or hear about. Please comment on the blog and follow.

Go, live life and enjoy your freedom.

Month 1 in the Books

I’ve had my blog up for about a month. I want to thank everyone that reads it and sends comments. It has been a learning curve to learn the layout of the page, what the jargon means, and just finding followers.

At the start, I had my sisters look at the blog to see if it is user friendly. After working some of the kinks out of it, I posted it to my Facebook page. I got an immediate increase in the number of followers.  During this last month, I have been working on the garden, some projects around the house, and my full-time job of teaching and coaching. Some have asked how do you do it all?

Teaching a subject I am familiar with (Geometry) helps a lot. I show my students different things I build or have built in the past. They keep asking me why do I teach if I can build? I enjoy the thought of teaching and reaching the minds of today’s youth. I believe they need someone who enjoys the content and can actually show them the use of the content. I use an online classroom for their homework and tests, so I do not have anything really to grade.

With gardening, I work on the weekends, when given a chance. My sons love the part of digging, but once that was done, they tended to stay away from the garden. They help plant a couple of my seed cups ( ). I wanted to plant a lot of different vegetables and wanted a good crop. I was trying to find a tiller to borrow but we finally just purchased one. I am glad we did because I planted 2 more beds because my seedlings did pretty good.

During spring break, I had a chance to scavenge some 2×6’s from a local construction site. I dug some out of the dumpster and also asked the foreman if I can take some out of the trash pile next to the houses. This is where my outdoor dining table came from ( ).  I had many people comment and ask questions on this table.

This past weekend I joined many different groups on Facebook. I think this is how my blog will explode with traffic.  I am trying to find new avenues of how to broadcast my blog, find new followers, and make sure my posts are interesting.

Thank you for your time. If you enjoy reading about gardening, woodworking, survival skills, or how to create things for the house,  please follow me by entering your email on the right.